COLT Supports Nominee Patrice H. Kunesh for Commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans

Patrice Kunesh

On June 22, 2022, President Joe Biden nominated Patrice H. Kunesh, of Minnesota, to be Commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans, Department of Health and Human Services. Ms. Kunesh has devoted herself to a life of public service to American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians.  Ms. Kunesh is deeply committed to protect tribal sovereignty, preserve Native American culture, …


The Coalition of Large Tribes attends the first-ever Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee, which helps to build upon the need to advocate for Tribal sovereignty. Rosebud President Herman, Oglala Councilman Yellow Boy and Northern Arapaho Councilman Spoonhunter were all selected to serve. Congratulations to our COLT member Tribes representation in working with HUD on critical issues for Indian Country. ORIGINAL HUD …



The Coalition of Large Tribes held the quarterly meeting in Washing DC on December 2nd, 2022. COLT elected two new leadership positions. Councilman King of the Fort Belknap Indian Community was elected as Vice Chairman.  Blackfeet Nation Councilman Marvin Weather-wax was elected Chairman of COLT.  COLT BOARD

Elizabeth Warren Unveils Sweeping Plan To Address ‘Broken Promises’ To Tribes

Huffpost article about Warren

MEDIA SHARE FROM HUFFPOST The first-of-its-kind bill, which took three years to draft, would provide mandatory, full federal funding for Native communities’ housing, education and health care. By  Jennifer Bendery Dec 5, 2022, 01:54 PM EST Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday unveiled a sweeping, first-of-its-kind bill aimed at addressing the U.S. government’s broken promises to Native American tribes, …

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressman Derek Kilmer unveiled the Honoring Promises to Native Nations Act

Elizabeth Warren

MEDIA SHARE FROM SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN DECEMBER 05, 2022 Senator Warren, Congressman Kilmer Unveil Historic Legislation to Address Chronic Underfunding and Barriers to Sovereignty in Indian Country The Honoring Promises to Native Nations Act implements recommendations from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights’ “Broken Promises” Report Lawmakers invite ongoing input from Tribal Nations and citizens, and other experts and …

COLT meets with Senator Jon Tester in DC

During the Tribal Nations Summit on December 1st, members of the Coalition of Large Tribes met with Senator Jon Tester to discuss pertinent issues across Indian Country.

Quarterly meeting at Palms Casino Resort October 18-19, 2022

We invite all large land based Tribes to Palms Casino Resort October 18-19, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Meeting Details We have a special block of rooms available: Call 866-752-2236 to reserve your room and use offer code GCOLT22 by October 8th Palms Casino Resort4321 W Flamingo RdLas Vegas, NV 89103 We look forward to seeing all of you!

USDOT to host webinar for tribal and rural communities on the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Discretionary Grant Program


On Thursday, August 4 from 2-3:30 Central, USDOT will host a webinar specific for tribal and rural communities on the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Discretionary Grant Program. You can register for this program here: Webinar Registration – Zoom ( I have attached the slides from the “Interested in Applying” – Encore webinar held on July 28. This program has a $5 …


Twin Arrows

We welcome all large land based Tribes to our quarterly meeting for the Coalition of Large Tribes. We have rooms blocked for the meeting please: Call: 1-928-856-7200 push option 2, refer to booking ID 9400 or Coalition of Large Tribes. 08/14/2022: Sunday – 20 rooms 08/15/2022: Monday – 20 rooms 08/16/2022: Tuesday – 15 room Please call as soon as …